Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today is my baby's 3rd birhtday. I woke up early to buy a cake for her and when she woke up we lit up the candle and we sang happy birthday to her, Her eyes light up with so much happiness.
To my sweetie,
I love you so much sweetie, you have been my strength, my happiness and my bliss. We were looking at you last night while you are sleeping and Daddy and I cant help but cry, we still couldnt believe it that you came to our lives. We remember the day you were born and how sad and out of our mind we were, when you came out lifeless. We remembered the day you were given your final blessing just in case you go and be an angel. I told daddy that I cannot even begin to explain how painful it was for me to witness that. I even told daddy that if that time we lost you I might have gone out of mind. God indeed is very good sweetie 'coz he gave you back to us.
Everyday sweetie I thank God for blessing me with you, My life is now complete baby and that is because of you. In you anak, I find strength to go on, the courage to take on new things and the desire to be better.
You have taught me a lot and still I am learning everyday. You constantly make mommy and daddy proud and hapy for that sweetie, thank you so much.
I wish you to grow up happy and be a good person as much as God wanted you to be.
I love you so much anak and thank you thank you for making mommy complete.
I better get off the computer baby so we can start our day. Off to the zoo we go :)
Love you baby,


  1. Happy Birthday to your adorable daughter sis! ;-)

  2. What a sweet post!!Happy Birthday to your lil sweetie Bea!Wishing her the best in life!^_^

    Belated Happy Mother's Day to you dearie!Hope you had a good one!^_^
